Thursday, 8 March 2012


Oh oh~ gonna start working tomorrow until the end of April ~~~ hmmm can't hang out frequently with my dears~~ I need to earn money for my Japan trip!!!

1 comment:

  1. I guess I'm strawberry nose too~lol
    Strawbery nose or not~ I think you are beautiful way you are~
    Wow~ you got the job so fast~ good luck!~
    I hope you could earn enough money for your trip to Japan~!! :)
    I'm korean, who is living in USA.
    I didn't know much about Malaysia until now, but after I found your blogg I'm trying to learn more about it~(I even set the world clock for Kuala Lumpur and it's 9:30am and raining there~ if your going out I guess you need umbrella~) And one day I wanna visit Malaysia~lol
